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July 19, 2008



We're all thinking positive thoughts. Meanwhile, enjoy the weekend--every minute of it!


I will send good wishes your way..enjoy your time on the beach..you deserve it.


yes-have a great weekend!!! we'll do the getting hopes up part for you (or with you).


Our fingers are crossed for Jeff (and you)...


Oh my goodness. You and Jeff will be in my crossed fingers, my good thoughts, and my prayers.

Here's hoping That Call comes, indeed.


I'm hoping for you too!

Plantation caribbean Restaurant

I really hope that the treatment cures your husband's medical condition. In the unlikely event that the outcome did not meet your expectations, I recommend the following:-

1) Find energy healers in the vicinity of your town and ask them to help. I have been amazed at what some of these guys can do. I actually felt stuff being extracted out of my body. This is a very cheap alternative which is why I am suggesting it first.

2) There is a clinic somewhere on the border of America and Maxico called "Sanoviv". Search for it on the internet and speak with them. They have avery good reputation. I think there are some videos on the youtube about this facility and what it can offer to patients.

3) In Delhi India. there is a miracle Doctor called Dr Geeta shroff. She uses embryonic stemcells to cure all sorts of incurbles. I recommend you call her and put your husband's case to her. Here is a link to information about Dr Geeta Shroff Dr Geeta Shroff

Good luck


How are things going? Any update?

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