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January 04, 2008



Sweetie, it's Walnut Creek, not Modesto. BART runs a train every 15 minutes -- and it's not even the end of the line!

That said, you and Jeff are more than welcome chez moi a mere 20 minutes from The 'Crick for dinner, a drink or the night!


I hope you both get back home safely.

Sorry for not stopping by before to wish you and Jeff a very happy new year!


I hope you made it back safe. I was staying in pacific heights that day and I've never seen a stop sign nearly break with the wind before until then! Our hotel, which was over 100 years old and had even made it through the earthquake, seemed to be moving with the wind! Thankfully we made it back to san diego in one piece and followed the storm down!

Happy New Year.

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