As of last Monday, I am officially back in advertising. For those of you who merely skim my witty repartee for the recipes, you may not know that for the last three years, I have been a full-time freelance writer.
For people in the business, those terms may sound like an oxymoron. For me they were, and they weren't. It was full-time work in that writing was all that I did, and the only way that I earned a living. But rare was the week I had enough paid work to fill 40 hours, and financially speaking, the paid work I had provided a "living" that only a small feral cat might find satisfying.
Beyond that, there's the undeniable truth that being a freelance writer is hard. It's lots of brainstorming and chasing and selling and then finally working, which for me at least includes copious amounts of procrastinating, self-doubt, and worry that any semblance of talent vanished the day before. It's also lonely work. Oh sure, the interviews help, but staring down your computer screen for 8 hours a day is no mean task. (Did I mention the pay?)
Luckily, I've had Mr. Food Musing to lean on. That, and I replaced my shopping habit with an Oprah habit quicker than you can say "live your best life."
But life has changed, as it is wont to do. I still have Mr. Food Musings' unending support, but he has needed a bit more of mine lately. So when an opportunity to work for a former boss turned up, I took it. Last week we made if official. I am now an account director at an ad agency here in town, working on the account of a high-tech giant. (That should narrow it down a bit. Not.)
It's a big change, as you can imagine. I have a lot less time for writing, so I am trying to make the most of it. I also have less time to cook, which explains why I have been pretty quiet lately. No one wants to hear about yet another roasted chicken (though it might be interesting to total up all my sushi delivery bills, oy!).
No, my kitchen hasn't been getting much use lately. But I have a few posts up my sleeve -- I want to tell you all about my new favorite cupcakes in exquisite, chocolately detail. I had the best old-fashioned ever just last week, and I have been checking out a slew of new SF restaurants (the rumors about SPQR's awesome-ness are true).
And now (or at least one day very very soon), back to the food...
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