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July 25, 2007


The TriniGourmet

haha, what fun! :)


Ha! i hope he hid one in Salt Lake. I tried to order after your last post, but no jam for me. :(

jen maiser

how cool is that? seriously the best giveaway ever.


I just had my first bite (swoon). It tastes like honey, it's simply divine.


there's a great sense of humour......he should hide one down by the ferry building as that's where so many foodies find themselves!


That makes those guys soooo cool.


What fun! LOL.


Lucky for me I got my four jars, bypassing the need to actually enter a library. :-)

jen maiser

I talked to my cousin today who was headed to the library to pick up music sheets and made him go look for it. He couldn't find it -- wonder if someone found it or he was looking in the wrong place.

Kung Foodie Kat


I wonder if they got permission from the library to do this. I can only imagine how much the staff would freak if they thought someone was hiding suspicious objects in the stacks (can you say bomb threat?). cute idea tho.

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