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May 15, 2007



Yum....I absolutely LOVE beets! This looks like a great recipe to have on hand - especially for a tapas themed party!

Thanks for the tip!


I'm a great beetroot lover as well, and always on the lookout for more beetroot recipes. This is definitely different from what I would usually make, so it's much appreciated!!


Those beets look amazing. I think you're inspiring the dormant adventurous cook deep inside of me. Thanks!


Foodette -- the best thing about it is that it's quick and easy, so if you're serving it at a dinner party, you won't have to spend much time on it. And it's great to make ahead so the flavors develop.

Pille -- definitely pay attention to the amount of chili you use and how hot it is so you can adjust it to your liking.

Tiffany -- I get stuck in my ruts, too, but if you just throw something pretty simple together once in a while, you find yourself enjoying cooking more and more. My supermarket sells pre-cooked baby beets so that's what I'd use if I was in a serious hurry.

And can I just say how surprised I am by how many people are getting excited over beets?! I hated them as a kid.


You know - I really liked your beets in class. And I am usually kind of ambivalent about beets. The spicy kick was what did it for me. Plus I actually liked their slight undercookedness. And no one can argue about the pretty colour!


Awesome sounding recipe! I love new ways to cook beets (which are really underrated over here). Thanks for sharing!


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