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February 14, 2007



I agree that V Day is kind of hokey, but in a strange way I like it. I don't like all the hype ahead of time, but I do like a good valentine or beautiful roses or ESPECIALLY something chocolate--like the fabulous eclairs Dad brought home last night in honor of the day!


Yeah, it feels too grinchy not to do anything. He had to make the dressing 3x, poor thing, but when he finally got it done it was truly delicious. The meal turned out well, and we had the same wine we had when we went to Taillevent in Paris years ago, which was divine. All in all a great night.


i came home late from work and had a baked potato.


Well I hope it was a good baked potato.


baked potato is always good, and even better with a dollop of my homemade tomato chutney, and weightwatcher friendly too.
I did have cheese and creme fraiche as well, but only a modest smidgen.

Fred said "I don't bring you flowers and I am not going to cut the potatoes into the shape of a heart but I just want you to know, you're my sam and I love you."

that was good enough for me.




This chocoholic enjoyed the Vosges Hatbox with chocolate covered chili dusted tortilla chips. I made crawfish pies, reminiscent of our elopement in New Orleans just a few months ago. I enjoy your blog, please visit mine!

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