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December 11, 2006



Ooh - that's a great photo ;)

thanks catherine


That's very generous, Catherine. I can't believe you'd give away the only signed copy of the book you worked on for so long. It's worth bidding on just for the recipes alone.


angel says: But I had two to start, and have already kept one for me!

devil says: I know, I am SO generous, and you should BID BID BID!

Truth is, I do have one for myself, but it's also still true that you can't get your hands on another one any other way than through this raffle


My copy arrived this week, and I am very impressed. The portraiture is excellent, and I think I can even make some of the recipes.

Good work, Catherine! (BTW, I told Patricia Digh about Menu for Hope. She's going to bid on some things, too!)

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