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November 17, 2006



I was going to say something totally rude here, but I fell under the spell of your mac'n'cheese. And your green bean casserole tacky cliche irresistible cliche cliche. (I've got a green bean casserole spinoff coming up on my blog, but -- oof, I almost gave it away! Soon. Later.)
OK. But. However. Anyway.
Asparagus is out of season in this hemisphere.
(Ew. That's it.)
Sorry for the locavorean yammer.


This sounds like a winning menu to me. Maybe someday we'll make it together!


I do want the chocolate cake! Can't stand most of the traditional Thanksgiving meal and despise pecan and pumpkin pie. I'm adding chocolate cake to the menu and I bet a good portion of it will quickly disappear. Thanks for the suggestion!


I heard a piece on NPR this week - it was a turkey taste test of different ways of turkey cooking, and the brined cooking actually came second to the Judy Rogers version where apparently you just salt it for three days instead of brining it. Apparently it gives a firmer less mushy meat.

Personally, when I cook turkey, I slather at least half a pound of butter under the skin!

Finnegans Wake

Brussels with bits of blue cheese and walnuts is excellent. I usually dress my Brussels with a 50/50 butter/EVOO, and I always like a tiny shake of red pepper flakes. Fresh marjoram with the above makes the dish. Try it, you'll like it. But please, don't overcook your sprouts, there's nothing worse than eating one with the texture of a boiled Kleenex.

Oh, and I like pumpkin pie. So there. A little bourbon whipped cream, and a little bourbon for Poppy, maybe a little pecan pie with bourbon whipped cream, another bourbon for your humble narrator. By the time I'm done with dessert, I'm ready to sing songs and show off my double-jointedness.

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