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November 03, 2006



aha - that's the way to describe my casual recipes that I dont really want to commit to:"Cookiecrumb style"
Like it. I had udon with lobster last night at our neighbourhood sushi place where it was on the specials list.
It was ok. I really just wanted the lobster bits to be honest.
Is this serves 1 or 2?


You had me at "slippery."


Sam -- great, we've created a new lexicon! Or perhaps I should say she and give all the credit where it is due, to CC. This makes 3 servings if you're not feeling terribly hungry, or 2 if you are.

Cookiecrumb -- I really needed a laugh at this exact moment, and you gave it to me. THANK YOU!!! Now I can go back to work.


This sounds absolutely wonderful! I will be trying it very soon!


Wow! I just made this at the end of a cold & rainy day---yummo! It's great comfort food (Asian style), easy to make, & delicious!

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