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November 04, 2006



I hope you made our planned Maverick reservation *before* you wrote this and the stampede you'll no doubt incite!


This just came to me. If they can make those itty-bitty mini cupcakes, why not teensy portions of mac-n-cheese? Different flavors, different "icings."
I can see a whole Sex and the City episode about that.


Sam -- but of course!

Cookie -- ooh, that is a wicked good idea! I'm putting them on the menu in my pretend restaurant (and hope that maybe a real restaurateur will see that and take a hint!).


Oy, I am going to have to save up every last WW point for our dinner!

So, if we run over past midnight, do you think I can use two days' worth of points????


F -- it makes perfect sense to me.


perfect timing - was thinking of somewhere to go to celebrate birthday and funnily enough just met Scott Youkilis at the weekend when i was down at the F.B. thanks for the inspiration!

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