So I'm obsessed with spaghetti carbonara. It came out of nowhere, too (though I think I've about proven that my egg allergy was short-lived/hormonal/a figment of my imagination). I've always loved spaghetti carbonara, that homey interplay of pasta, bacon and cheese all bound together with just cooked eggs that you really barely notice other than the gloss they add to the strands of spaghetti. It's been on my list of cannot-indulge-cravings for a while, along with fried chicken, because it really is a bit sinful.
But some fresh eggs from Marin Sun Farms, local pancetta from Fatted Calf (or bacon from Prather Ranch), and a semi-hard, nutty Old Word Portugese fromage from Spring Hill Cheese convinced me to go for it. Last weekend, this weekend -- I think it's my new Sunday night soul food.
The best part? All the ingredients are local. Every single one, from the onion to the white wine. Being this virtuous almost takes the edge off the decadence. Almost.
Recipe for Spaghetti alla Carbonara
The only change I make is to add lots of fresh ground pepper to the egg mixture, and then I give my bowl of pasta a few good shakes of salt and pepper again just to be safe.
This sounds sooo good--real comfort food! I must try it soon--maybe when Little Sister comes to visit!!
Posted by: Mom | May 15, 2006 at 12:58 PM
Wait! The spaghetti isn't local!
But you gotta do what you can do.
And you did well. :D
Posted by: cookiecrumb | May 15, 2006 at 06:16 PM
Well, by my standards it IS local -- it is made here in Berkeley. Even if the wheat came from elsewhere, the pasta is made here (eggs + flour etc.)
Posted by: Catherine | May 15, 2006 at 06:52 PM
even if you made your own gnocchi (the french way) like i did, the non-local flour spoils the whole kaboodle. those locavore purists will damn you for being one small ingredient out of whack if you arent careful, so you watch out for them. I think the girl did good. LOVE the fatted C pancetta, ummm....
Posted by: sam | May 16, 2006 at 04:55 PM
I'm all done being a locavore purist.
Where's me a burrito?
Posted by: cookiecrumb | May 16, 2006 at 05:45 PM
Yeah, I live by my own rules. I called an exemption for anything not grown here anyway, so that means if I want artichokes, I gotta hoof it to the farmer's market, but if I wants me a corn tortilla, I can have at it. Wheeee!
Posted by: Catherine | May 16, 2006 at 05:56 PM