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May 08, 2006



Fascinating ... I've also been thinking that buying locally might create more risk of food shortages, say. If you think about California's wet spring and the impact on local crops, you realize that a globalized food market mitigates the risk of, hedges against, any single crop's, any single system's, any single region's, catastrophic loss. This book's on my wait list at the library ... itself a 'regional' system to balance supply/demand over a larger geography than my small suburb. Thanks for the reason to anticipate its arrival sooner than later ...


Wow, thats really interesting! Thanks for that. I'll stop feeling guilty for failing completely to try the local challenge (although I do get a bi-weekly CSA box and I did get stuff from the farmers market this weekend).


This is a fascinating excerpt! I'm going to have to try and get a hold of this book asap. Thanks for posting it


It was something that was haunting my mind already. I wondered about the people making a living with their food on the other side of the world. On the one hand, they might be taking huge risks with the environment if the crop is not a local one and they grow only one subspecies. On the other hand, like you mentioned, it is that little chunk of money that keeps the wolf away from the farmer's door. As a person who tries to be ethical, it can be a hard position in which to be.


Wasn't that a riveting article? Definitely made me think... as always, there are multiple sides to any story, and it makes sense to try and gather as many insights as possible.

Glad you posted the excerpt. It should provide some stimulating blog-chatter!


Catherine, thanks for posting this. I've been thinking about the whole eat local thing alot lately. It sure looks different from where I live - for me, eating locally can mean supporting child labor and the excessive use of chemicals, for one. And in the US, eating locally might mean choosing government-subsidized catfish over that that grown by an impoverished Vietnamese fish farmer who literally lives on top of his fish farm. It's such a complicated issue, and I've been thinking about doing a post on it .... I'm going to see if I can find Singer's book today.


Good, I'm glad people are finding this as intriguing and worthy of investigation as I am. Cooking with Amy did a post last year about why she doesn't fully support eating locally, and it's got some further interesting points in it:

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