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May 04, 2006



c'mon - you can make mayonnaise (easy for me to say since I was the worst mayo maker in the world until I managed to learn how to nail it at cooking school).

Good job today!


Thank you, Sam! Maybe I'll give that mayo a try; I've always wanted to make my own but got scared away by the idea of it breaking. (I wonder how many years of bad luck you get for breaking mayonnaise?)


i dont know - but next time you have plenty of hours, I have plenty of my mayonnaise disaters to amuse you with.


Hello there! Long time, I know. But you're doing well with the eat local thing! Love the percentage predictions :-)


I know, I've been feeling the same about my much loved little corner grocery, which has always been there for me even though I'm sure nothing is local and know for a fact that nothing is organic. I've loved it so, but now it feels like a shot of booze to the newly sober alcoholic. Must-not-fall-off-the-wagon.

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