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March 02, 2006



This sounds like something wonderful to wake up to in the morning...along with a cup of tea or coffee! I must try my hand at them soon.


Thanks a lot, Ms. Power of Suggestion. Now I'm craving scones. Good thing I'm too sick to go get them :-)

clare eats

Oh they look good, I wish blackberries weren't $5 punnet. But... they could be good excuse to buy some ;) heheh


It was funny to come here today and read this post because I have been thinking I would like to try to make scones.I never have before.This may just be the ones I try,Thanks.


Oh, Catherine, blackberry scones are my very favorite. When I lived in Marin I went to the farmer's market every Sunday and my first purchase was always a blackberry scone to munch while I wandered. I've never made them before, but I will now!


I love blueberry scones. When you try it, please post!


Oh but what I want to know is, what mix were you using that turned out well??


We walked along side roads and pathways to pick our own....Now I'm looking for yummy ways to use them and this sure sounds like a good one. I'm getting started right now!

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