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March 14, 2006



That sounds like a very handy site. In my stretch of the woods you have the choice between a not always cheap resort restaurant and a greasy spoon. Period. At least you have a lot more in the way of options :)


Thanks for sharing what looks like a wonderful resource.


So cool of you to mention this on your oh-so-popular and well-read blog, Ms. Catherine -- I forwarded the link to Ms. Tablehopper, who I know will be very happy for the wonderful and enthusiastic props. And those who want more can read her Northside-centric (with a few juicy Get Across Town items) Tablehopper column in Northside San Francisco, which comes out the last Saturday of each month and is available at local businesses from Telegraph Hill to Sea Cliff! By this time next year, we will hopefully be a weekly which comes out on Saturdays, so The Chronicle better start scooping on more than Thomas Keller's new meat market in Yountville if they want to keep up! ;-)

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