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March 24, 2006



Dad MUST have some of Mike's Fireman Jack cheese to bring home with us. You know how he LOVES spicy foods!


there are three newsletters I can't be without every week.
the two you have already mentioned, AND The Fatted Calf.
If you have got them all and then you are just about sorted!
I am glad you like the CUESA one. I check it weekly to see what is in season, for recipe planning etc.


I agree that Spring Hill's butter is unblievably good. I think one of the reasons it's so wonderful is that we in the Bay Area can buy it when it's perfectly fresh. If you like CUESA's newsletter, you might like to check out Andy's newsletter from Mariquita Farm, too. He offers a unique perspective and is an entertaining storyteller.


Great ideas, thanks! I already signed up for Fatted Calf and Brett, I'll sneak a peak at Mariquita -- thank you so much for the idea.

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