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February 05, 2006


clare eats

That sure is a mighty fine looking sammidch! sometimes the simple things are the best


I am so happy that Mr Food Musing's appetite seems to be on the up.
I have been thinking of you both.
Watch out - next thing he will be requesting you make him a recipe from the new Boulevard cookbook from scratch.



ps - to me 'sammidge' sounds really daft, where i come from we call them 'sarnies'!


This just goes to show that in many cases, the old ways are the best ways!!


Clare -- and almost always, it would seem, when you're feeling poorly.

Sam -- thank you, my dear. He won't be getting any fancy stuff outta me for a while, though! I have to get my own energy back. p.s. sarnie, eh? I don't even see how that's related to sandwich other than an "s" and an "n"...

Mom -- too true, and I must vindicate you by revealing what you told me today -- that the appliance was a gift from someone, not something you purchased.


well - how does a sammie relate ? there aren't any Ms at all in sandwich,
now put me on your list of people you will bake you some cookies or a snack or something and drop it by.
Or i could bbring you something from lettus for example, or anywhere else - just let me know
i am doinf silly hours, but i can swing by at some point and i love making cookies


Well at least it rhymes :)


Your mention of Trader Joe's reminded me that the VERY FIRST TJ store in NYC is opening in Manhattan in two months. My life will be complete. (...and I'm also very glad that MFM is on the mend. I strongly believe that grilled cheese sandwiches have mystic healing properties.)


In our house grilled cheese was always accompanied by Campbell's tomato soup and sweet pickles (you take a bite of sweet pickle with your sammie). Great post!


Mina -- I love the way you think!

Robyn -- yes, we always had grilled cheeses with tomato soup too! Usually after church on Sundays. I've kept the one tradition and banished the other!


Love your style and - btw - we too call them sammidges - whether they're made with white bread and (what I refer to as plastic cheese - you know what I mean) or goat cheese with chiffonade of basil, freshly ground pepper and grilled pancetta - they're all sammidged and they're all fabulous.

Thanks for sharing your story.


Ruth -- yeah, Sam is just a Brit who doesn't know what she's talking about ;) Thank you for coming by and reading about my latest infatuation. Your sammidges sound really, really good! Next week!

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