Sometimes chicken soup for the soul comes in the form of, well, chicken soup. Mr. Food Musings took a bad fall last week, in the middle of the night (here's where the former cynic in me would make an untruthful crack about too much booze, but I've learned from the trials and tribulations of one James Frey that honesty is the best policy). Anyway, he ended up fracturing his skull not once, but twice -- typical overachiever, eh?
My poor Mr. FM was in the hospital for nearly a week and is still recuperating. Besides the expected headaches, which are a killer, he is battling near constant vertigo and nausea. All to say, the injury to his brain and the resulting symptoms have made walking by himself next to impossible.
The good news is that there was no permanent damage of any kind and he is expected to make a full recovery. He'll need someone around until he can get around on his own, but every day he gets noticeably better. The first hint that his spirits weren't suffering overly much came the day he asked for his CrackBerry -- not to check email, my fellow addicts, but so he could monitor his investments.
Our first night home from the hospital, T. swung by with two kids and a big bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup in tow. Though Mr. FM has become somewhat of a fruitatarian -- tangerines, bananas, Odwalla drinks and strawberry yogurt make up his diet pretty much exclusively these days -- he gobbled up two bowls of the comforting goodness over the next few days. (Unfortunately, his much beloved ice cream gives him terrible headaches, so after several sundae binges we've learned to stay away.)
Thank you to all of you, friends and strangers alike, who have emailed, posted, called or just sent out good vibes into the atmosphere. They say that a crisis tells you who your friends are, and trite though it may be to admit, Mr. FM and I have felt nothing but blessed during these hard days.
I don't imagine we'll be up for dining out anytime soon, nor do I expect to be cooking too much (there's a bit of a waiting list for friends who want to bring us dinner -- isn't that GREAT?!) but I will try to check in with you as much as I can while nursing mon chéri back to health. I hope you'll permit me one small indulgence in the form of preachiness: every one of you who has your health and is surrounded by people you love and who love you back should say a quick prayer of thanksgiving, and spend a moment or two in quiet contemplation of your blessings. Believe me, none of the rest of this shit matters one whit without that.
Catherine and Jeff, I'm happy to hear the danger has passed and you are on the road to recovery. I too have dealt with the pain and fear of a loved one who has been seriously ill. You have both been in my prayers over the last week.
If you need anything, the Kitchenless Cook is at your service.
Posted by: Bill | February 03, 2006 at 12:49 PM
About your last comment in today's entry: AMEN!!!
Posted by: Mom | February 03, 2006 at 01:26 PM
Lovely essay ...
Posted by: Alanna | February 03, 2006 at 01:39 PM
Bill -- thank you. I am sure that your prayers were heard. And I appreciate your offer of help more than you know.
Mom -- you said it!
Alanna -- thank you.
Posted by: Catherine | February 03, 2006 at 02:20 PM
Chicken soup rocks. Simple.
I am so gald the Mr FM is so much better! I have had to learn that lessons a few time lately, it never gets easier but at least you can remember to be thankful for everyone you have.
Don't worry take it easy,we will be here when you get back!
Would Mr FM like some get well Tim Tams?
Posted by: clare eats | February 03, 2006 at 08:33 PM
Clare -- I know, you of all people can probably appreciate how scary life can become. Now I don't know what tim tams are (perhaps a dip into your archives would do the trick?) but he loves anything that will help him get well!
Posted by: Catherine | February 03, 2006 at 09:20 PM
Hi Catherine
You have NO IDEA how correct you really are....
Send me an email ;)
Posted by: clare eats | February 04, 2006 at 05:07 AM
Danny and I are so glad to hear that things are looking up for you and your beloved Mr. FM. I know he's very lucky to have you and that you're certainly the best possible caretaker he could ever have. Hang in there and think positive!
P.S. Thanks for the reminder to appreciate health and loved ones. As a total pessimist/cynic, I need to be reminded all the time!
Posted by: Beth | February 05, 2006 at 11:07 PM
Beth -- thank you so much for your good wishes. Mr. FM has really enjoyed hearing from everyone who's posted a comment.
Posted by: Catherine | February 06, 2006 at 09:36 AM