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December 15, 2005



So how 'bout about dinner in London, Catherine? Was it Moro?


Robyn -- (eek!) Yes! I was sooo jetlagged and drugged (phobic about flying + Xanax = muddled brains) so I've only got a few photos, the menu and about 1/3 of a memory to go on. Stay tuned...but it was delicious. Well worth it.

clare eats

If you like this imagine yummy brekkies like this but with Awesome weather?
This of course is Sydney!! Plus lots of other good stuff ;)


i think the hash brown part is an American anomaly but the rest looks good (not forgetting the poor, rejected egg, how could you?).
You can join my English-food-isnt-so-bad-afterall-see campaign now.

And clare is right about the food in Sydney too. One of the best breakfasts in my life was had there. It was an Ozzie twist on a brit breakfast with bacon and ricotta, ooh yeah.


Yes, girls, we are in agreement. I love Sydney. And I love English food, too -- I'm with you, Sam! (You can keep your marmite though.)


have you got photos of tom's deli?


Franz -- sorry, just of the food. Remember, my brain was boggled from all the Xanax...

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