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November 02, 2005



The kitchen is 2nd only to the bedroom as the most important room in a house! We redid ours as soon as possible after moving here. BUT, it's worse to you than to anyone else, & just think of all the wonderful things that come out of it!!

clare eats

Oh I know how you feel, this new kitchen is sooooo small, and the bench surface is just plain weird!

But, I figure each delicious home made item is a point to me ;) LOL


Clare -- hmm, good point. I like the way you think!


Oooohhhh, I so feel your pain! I have also suffered through some terrible, awful, no-good, very bad kitchens. I had one with maybe LESS work surface area than 24 inches. Ugh. But I have to say that it must be good for your creative side, because this post was hilarious! Loved it. Breaking it up into rounds - the final breakdown - Knockout!


Jennifer -- I have a feeling that in all renters, there's a story like mine waiting to be shared.


At least you have a kitchen!!!!
But, it is all about the food, not where it is cooked.


Bill, LOL! Too true...


I'd put up with the butt-ugly linoleum if I could have more drawer and cupboard space. Especially drawers. I have one. Yes... that's right. ONE. As far as I'm concerned--that ain't enough. Count your blessings with the space :)


I'd put up with the butt-ugly linoleum if I could have more drawer and cupboard space. Especially drawers. I have one. Yes... that's right. ONE. As far as I'm concerned--that ain't enough. Count your blessings with the space :)

PS: Thanks for dropping by my spot. I have enjoyed reading here. I will return! :)


Nerissa -- ONE???!!! Yikes. The linoleum floor may yet get a kiss from me.


Fantastic post! I actually laughed out loud. And isn't is strange how it only takes reading about others' misfortune to me us realize how lucky we are? I'm feeling MUCH better about my own kitchen, which I used to consider a windowless shoebox turned on one end - at least it's got wooden floors (though it also only has one drawer! %&$*^!). But really, I do appreciate the reminder that this is not the last kitchen I'll ever have, so might as well make peace with it as you've done :) p.s. Don't we get to see any pictures?


Melissa -- hmmm. I'll think about it. But be warned -- it ain't pretty!

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