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July 22, 2005


clare eats

I think it is great that you have made this post on Sea Bass! In Australia you CAN NOT BUY IT! But we suffer from illegal poaching all the time. I think people dont realise what actually happens, and how quickly populations can plumit once they reach there species thereshold level! Sorry to preach. The fish recipe looks great :) The SUNDAE! YUM!!!!!


Hi Catherine,
Thanks for posting the information on Chilean sea bass but I wanted to add that, even if it is legally caught, the fish will still be extinct commercially in five years. Through research for my newspaper article, I discovered that over 10,000 pounds comes into the US "legally" each year (or as close to legally as can be tracked in foreign waters). Unfortunately, the Patagonian toothfish is a slow growing fish that doesn't breed until age 10 and can live to be over 50 years old. They live in cold, deep water, which further slows reproduction. The response from the big wigs at Safeway and Albertson's to my inquiries has been, "We only buy sustainable, legally caught Chilean sea bass," but I will point out in my story that, even if that were true, they would still be contributing to its demise.


Can this sauce be made ahead? It would be great to serve my bridge club, but I couldn't make & serve immediately. Have to try this one sometime!


Hmmmm, it could be made ahead and reheated, I supposed - you'll want it hot. But keep in mind it literally takes 2 minutes to make, so my advice would be to do all the prep and measuring ahead of time, then run into the kitchen, have someone else scoop the ice cream while you whip up the sauce.

Nicola Crowie

I live in the Falkland Islands where we have very strict regulations on our fishing.Fishery inspectors board ships to check catches size and quantity and we have sea and air patrols checking for poachers, when caught the ships are held and the owners are given huge fines as a deterrent.It is in our interest to make sure we don't over fish as it is a much needed scource of revinue for our Islands.

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