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July 11, 2005



Greetings Ms. Food Musings,
I'm an avid reader and just had to offer some info regarding Kauai. Don't miss the Wishing Well located in Hanalei for the best Hawaiian Ice. I especially liked the flavor with sour plum addition. Overindulge while in Kauai because when you return to the mainland you'll wish you had eaten more.

The Princeville Beach Resort (PBR) Restaurant is fabulous especially when the sun is setting. The food is okay but the cocktails and view are worth a million bucks. Also when near PBR check out Queens Bath when the tide is coming IN, not out. It's glorious, but can be dangerous.

Hike the NaPali trail to the waterfall. It's worth the time and the energy loss(2 miles up), but make sure you take drinks and some protein bars with you. Also wear clothes that dry quickly or a bathing suit as you'll want to go swimming.

For inexpensive little gifts for friends and coworkers there is a Walmart on the island. The have a good selection of trinkets, food and music. They also have a row of Spam. Literally a row. We took a picture with Spam in the background. It's quite odd. For quality gifts I would shop at island stores.

Also, did you know that you can send a whole coconut through the U.S. Post Office. You write the address on the coconut and mail it. That too is quite odd.

Wishing you a memoralble vacation.


Tracy, thank you for the ideas! I didn't see them till I got back, but am planning to mail a coconut to myself next time I go to Hawaii, what a hoot! We did hike part of the Kalalau trail, as far as the beach...gorgeous.


Thanks for the roundup of restaurants on Kauai. I'm heading out there next week for my second visit, and I remember being rather underwhelmed by the dining options the first time around. I'll be sure to check out the places you suggest, however, as they certainly sound quite good.


You should also check out Tidepools at the Hyatt. Their crab-stuffed opah was divine (though stay away from the over-gingered mango cobbler). We had a disappointing experience at Poipu Beach Broiler -- overcooked fish and oysters that didn't taste super fresh, warm, as though they'd been shucked earlier in the night. But I'd give it another go because I've also had several great meals there. Have a great time and make sure to get ice cream at Lepperts!

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