My all-time favorite wine - EVER, do you hear me? - is made by Ridge. Mr. Food Musings first let me have a sip on Easter Sunday, 2000, and that is the first time I'd ever had wine that made my lazy palate snap to attention. It was a 1997 Ridge Lytton Springs Zinfandel and since that day, I've had many bottles of Ridge zin. Many of those bottles have feted big days - promotions, moving in together, birthdays, and uncountable dinners out. Sometimes, the bottle itself was the reason for celebration. I am willing to bet that all my close friends and family know Ridge wine by name and react with nearly equal gusto when they spy it on a wine list. Plus, I like the label. A good enough reason for liking a wine, I think.
The SF Chronicle featured Ridge's winemaker extraordinaire and CEO, Paul Draper, today. They call him a philospher; I call him a god. To-may-to, to-mah-to.
And he's hot too.
Posted by: stickmammy | March 10, 2005 at 04:38 PM